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Show HN: OneUptime (New Update) – Open-Source Datadog Alternative
1 point by devneelpatel 12 days ago | hide | past | favorite | discuss
ABOUT ONEUPTIME: OneUptime (https://github.com/oneuptime/oneuptime) is the open-source alternative to DataDog + StausPage.io + UptimeRobot + Loggly + PagerDuty. It's 100% free and you can self-host it on your VM / server.

OneUptime has Uptime Monitoring, Logs Management, Status Pages, Tracing, On Call Software, Incident Management and more all under one platform.


Several new monitor options launched - You can now monitor your SSL Certificates and Servers (Processes running, Mem, CPU, Disk, etc) Evaluate monitor metrics over time. You can set up alerts for things like - "Create an incident when my website response time is >5 seconds for 5 minutes". This wasn't possible before.

Added Logs ingestion with fluentd and OpenTelemetry. Traces and Metrics ingestion with OpenTelemetry.

Roadmap to end of Q2:

New Monitors: We will be working on new monitors options, specifically "Log Monitor", "Traces Monitor", "Metrics Monitor" where you can set up alerts for things like - if there are logs of error logs, create an incident and alert the team.

Datadog like Dashboards coming soon.

Roadmap to end of Q3:

We're working on a reliability co-pilot. All you need to do is run a GitHub actions job / CI job where it scans your codebase, queries OneUptime API to get all the error's your software has seen in production. We then try to fix those errors and create PR's automatically. Making your software reliable and better every since day. None of your code will be sent to us. It'll stay on GitHub action runner. We will do this via a local LLM on the runner. Needless to say this will be beta and will getb better over time.

REQUEST FOR FEEDBACK & FEATURES: This community has been kind to us. Thank you so much for all the feedback you've given us. This has helped make the software better. We're looking for more feedback as always. If you do have something in mind, please feel free to comment, talk to us, contribute. All of this goes a long way to make this software better for all of us to use.

OPEN SOURCE COMMITMENT: OneUptime is open source and free under Apache 2 license and always will be. We're 100% open-source, and not open-core (like others in our industry)

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